finished banner, more gifs, resources page
 more dragons, upload photos and art, find a cool background

JW Kreativ, 2025

About me






About me

Hello! I am (Judicious) Wasp, aka Lorin. This is a personal website to collect all the things I've made so I can send it to my friends. It's not yet finished as you can see :)


My urge to share my creations has been dwindling year by year, so I am challenging myself to share some things here, even if not many people end up seeing it. I've made lots of things over the years, but I'll only share what I am at least a little bit proud of. (That means no horror-techno hits made after messing around in FL Studio for 10 minutes.)


I was taught HTML by people who last made websites in 2005, so the site probably reflects that. It's strange to be messing around with making websites again, it certainly makes me feel nostalgic. My last experience like this was when I was still actively caring for my Tumblr blog, which I abandoned in my Great Social Media Detox (TM). Before that, I had a weird Blog full of ads like everybody else at that time, where I could freely ramble on about things without anyone actually visiting the site (history repeats itself, as you can see)


Contact me at!

You can alsoplay some nice music by Rrrrrose Azerty at the bottom of the page while you browse! (No autoplay because browsers don't like that nowadays, also it kind of breaks for a while whenever the site is updated)